St. Paul the Apostle School

GT furnished and installed a new and complete boiler system for St. Paul the Apostle School located near Joliet, IL. While we have our hands in a variety of differently purposed spaces, we help engineer, install, and commission a lot of work in churches and other religious spaces. In general, many older churches - such ones in downtown Chicago - were not built with 21st century HVAC needs in mind, and we often devise creative and practical solutions for introducing modern heating, air conditioning, and ventilation equipment while still maintaining the structural integrity and aesthetics of the building.

Project Stats & Highlights

  • 1 safely disconnected old boiler piping system and flues

  • 2 new boilers & 2 new circulator pumps with associated heating water piping system

  • Full-system insulated and test & balanced to desired metrics

  • Seamless collaboration between our local sheet metal and pipefitter union workers


American Blues Theater


Clyde's Delicious Donuts